I enjoyed our conversation about books on Notes Kathryn and thank you for including me here 🩷

I too am a person who reads a magazine cover to cover and when I find a podcast, I want to listen to every episode from the beginning. I also find that when I am interested in a person’s Substack, I want to dive into their archives, from the beginning of course, to get a sense of who they are and the way they convey that through their writing. Why am I like this, I don’t know! 😂

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I don't have any idea why I'm like this either. When I discover an author I like, I want to read every book from the first written to the last. Ditto musicians and their albums. And yet for digital reading, it just doesn't phase me. I've asked myself the why of all of this many times but all I've concluded is that it's what's true for me :-p

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Jun 22Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Yup, every single book written! Hard relate 😄

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This post is such a cool idea! I love that you're cataloging as you venture through consuming on the internet. I think that's powerful on digital medium. Thank you for mentioning my post! I'm glad you echoed it :D

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Thanks! I had done this Notes roundup weekly last year and then stopped for some time but realized that I was missing it. It really helps me engage much more deeply with people and their thoughts. <3 <3

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Jun 22Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Thanks for the shout out Kathryn. (I did notice that because I am not subscribed I cannot vote in your poll so the results may be somewhat skewed.) ❤️❤️❤️

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Oh that’s interesting! I didn’t know that polls were limited to subscribers. How annoying.

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I’m not sure if it’s always been, but that’s what I’m seeing today (in Safari.)

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Thanks. Good to know.

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Jun 22Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

thank you, thank you, thank you! as you try to build the community around mental health so do i about photography

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Thank you for mentioning me, Kathryn! This was such an insightful read. I’m so grateful for how welcoming you’ve been! Looking forward to reading more of your words ✨

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Thank you for including me here, what a fun idea! I love this!

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Thank you for sharing! And for gathering such great conversations all in one place! Brilliant.

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