This is perfect. I am a crocheter and love the quiet rhythm

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Crochet in bed, last thing, brings me more peace than reading. It's a reflective moment, and something almost like doing the rosary or chanting - repetition, mental space to stray and return, slowing of breath and heart. Crochet first thing, in bed with a cup of tea, brings a similar reflective and pre-verbal moment to the start of the day. Absolutely a practice to try.

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Oh I love this idea of morning crochet. I often make a little collage in the mornings but that’s after I’ve been out of bed for a bit.

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One of the reasons I always encourage people to have a go at crochet is because it's such a very portable and simple setup. Working on my sister atm, she's a lifelong stitcher, upholsterer, garment maker. We were talking about how there's a social aspect to this, too. When she sees, she has to leave the room and go to her craft space where the machine is set up. With crochet we can sit in company with others and not take up space. Being together companionably is such a beautiful restful thing.

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Yes this is absolutely such a key part of it. You can take it places where you might be nervous (doctor’s office) or bored (waiting in line) … I get distracted in classes or lectures if my hands aren’t busy so it helps there … and it is a wonderful way to be social with others with or without conversation.

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