Spider-man dress!

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so good right?!

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100%. I can always find something I appreciate in pieces like this!

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I worried a little that my readers would get annoyed with this daily series throughout the month since it's on top of my regular posts and means LOTS of mail from me ... but I believe in this cause a lot and tried to make it easy for people who aren't interested to opt out. I'm glad you find something to enjoy!

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For me, I can't always connect directly with every piece (since I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, probably about 2x as many as I should), but I do like to find that one thing I can immediately connect, especially for things that are good causes.

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I also subscribe to lots and lots of newsletters. I do read a lot of them thoroughly - putting together my Friday digests really aids my focus in that - but definitely there are times when I skim or skip. I like your approach to finding that point of connection.

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For me, if folks want only those who have done a very deep dive to comment, I think they're going to miss out, big time. Folks who read thoroughly are not always the ones who comment, and even if you have like 1000 subscribers, that doesn't mean you'll get even a single comment if you play the role of gatekeeper for your readers. I appreciate the opposite approach, being a lot more inclusive and welcoming myself.

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