The ingenuity of his art reminds me of the amazing toys children in the third world create from "found items." It is always inspiring to see people make beautiful things from limited resources.

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Utterly fascinating! Thank you for sharing this, Kathryn.

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Hey Kathryn, this is awesome! I actually just discovered this artist at an exhibit at SAIC here in Chicago. I fell in love with this ship and went home and did a deep dive on him. Create me free was the first thing that came up in google when I searched his name this morning!

I have so many thoughts churning about his work. I haven't had the time to get to know his life intimately, but I feel discomfort with the way his life is framed in the way a lot of folks tend to focus on his diagnosis. My thoughts are... if a person was able to negotiate and barter for all of these materials, and create 1000 beautiful pieces out of found objects while living in a prison cell...why couldn't he have existed in the real world? Clearly he was immensely intelligent and resourceful.

I'm leading a session on zoom this Thursday at 6pm CST on art through a therapeutic lens, and I'll be talking about his work! Let me know if you wanna come!

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Quick answer to say yes please send me the zoom invite info!

More soon

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