Thank you so much for including me in your round up! I do feel a double dose of imposter syndrome now bc I can't quite believe you think me worthy to be posted alongside some amazing essayists!

I also love this - "I heard myself saying, “Okay, Addy, you got distracted, it’s okay, it happens, let’s just do it now”. I am not diagnosed but exhibit many signs of adhd, and this is such a helpful way to talk to ones self and give grace when the to-do or mojo says one thing and the brain wanders off in the other direction.

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We are all messy humans who don’t know if we are good enough in some way or another and you so belong 💕

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I love this post, Kathryn. A great one to return to whenever I lose track of my creative self. Thank you for all you are doing :)

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Thanks for sharing my post, Kathryn!

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