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Jul 20
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Loved seeing your visual journals and how you got inspiration and creativity back <3 <3

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Hi Romana! 🥰

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Thanks for mentioning our book Kathryn! Great round up - so much inspiration!

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Truly always astounded by the amazing things happening here on Substack from so many different people. It gives me hope in so many ways.

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Thanks for shout out 🙌🏻

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Loved learning about your experiences with mainstream and indie publishing. I’ve called myself an indie author for years and appreciate your description of the term in the world of writing.

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Thank you so much Kathryn for the mention - I appreciate you!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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I count you among one of the most wonderful friends I've made here.

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And I feel the same way about you!!!! 😘😘💚💚💚💚💚💚

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Thank you SO MUCH Kathryn! What an honor to be included in this oh-so-necessary and beautiful resource list!! 🙏🏼🫶🏼✨

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<3 <3 Happy to be able to share your beautiful work.

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Thanks for the note Kathryn. I appreciate your observations of the others listed here, too!

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I love making connections and adding thoughts as a way to engage deeper with all of the amazing work people are doing here.

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Thank you for the mention Kathryn. I really appreciate the work you do! 💕💕

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Right back atcha <3

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Thanks for the mention, Kathryn! Some other great reads here :)

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Thanks for the mention, Kathryn! Some other great reads here :)

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So many amazing pieces of writing here on Substack!

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Thank you for the mention!

I'm absolutely honored to share people's stories about rescue and about their bonds with their animals! My animals have meant so much to me, and even other people's animals. They give us so much, and we sing and make art about them. It's a very special relationship.

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I am grateful you gave me the space to do that especially with Katara whose memory I want to carry forward forever. Love the way you described this <3

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A great, selection, thank you!

The idea of letting go of perfection reminds me of the quote "Nothing is fun until you're good at it" by Amy Chua, which I find absolutely awful. If something is a hobby I think the doing is far more important than the result.

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Agree - I am definitely so much more about process than end result!

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What a gorgeous round-up of inspiration! I'm so honored to be included among this powerhouse of creativity. Thank you! And now, I'm going to run and dive into these full pieces. 🤩

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Love the work that you're sharing and hope you find another writer or two here that you connect with!

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Hugely belated thanks for sharing my #30secondsofcalm in your amazing round up Kathryn… I am always so humbled to be mentioned and in awe of you (as well as many others) who find the time to do this… 🩵X

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Not belated at all. I believe we all come together in the right time and there’s no rush for any of it. Happy to be able to share your work with others.

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Kathryn, I just saw my comic on this lovely, well-said thread. I am touched and honored by the acknowledgment. Grief is Love & Love is Grief

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