Jan 22Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

The concept of a story carrier is really fascinating! I'll be reflecting this term today as I wrap up a writing project. :)

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It's such a beautiful term!

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Thank you for posting this lovely interview. As I mentioned to you a few days ago, you are stellar at creating and interpreting interviews. I very much appreciate the way you presented my experience as a writer and how my creativity intersects with depression.

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Thank you so very much for sharing with us here. I'm happy to help be a part of carrying the story forward.

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Your opening quote is profound, thankyou too for the intro to Jane and her concept. Peace, Maurice

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The best one yet.

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Very powerful. Expressing our emotions through art and shaping something beautiful out of something painful or tragic is, ultimately, a way to make sense of the world and find catharsis… 😎

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Well said <3

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This is such a beautiful interview. I love that your substack introduces us to writers like Jane Clark. I am keeping the term "story carriers" pinned to my cork board to reflect upon.

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I am so lucky that writers like Jane are willing to share some of their story through me.

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You have a talent and a gift for biographical interviewing , research and writing. You show such respect for your interviewees, and such willingness and openness regarding your own double depression that it feels like you and your work are a safe space.

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Thank you. I try really hard to make sure that there's respect and that it hopefully is a helpful experience for the other person. <3

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Awesome interview ladies! I often wondered how many of us artists became artists and used our imagination as a way to cope with trauma, especially when we were children. I truly believe what you, Jane said about writing in a group setting. I have done it for a few years and found it very healing and have made some deep and loving connections with people in those groups.

I retired from my regular job this year and started hosting writing workshops for improving mental well being. For a long time I believed in the power of words and expressing the painful experiences we have / had and having them witnessed by an empathetic listener.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on writing and mental health. I wish there would be more talks about it publicly and not just in private.

That in itself would be very healing!

Thank you again!

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