I am really loving this idea! While I don't post about my own knitting journeys, I would love a place to find other creative folks in the thread community.

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Wonderful! The people who write about these things will be in the directory but the wider THREADSTACK community is open to all who are interested in connecting around the topic!

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Yes! While the directory is specifically for people with newsletters that write about this stuff, the community is for all of us who enjoy yarn/thread or even those who are just getting curious about it!

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I’m a fiber artist and though my newsletter is focused on astroherbalism, I’m sure my art will crop up here and there. It’ll be nice to check out other artists on threadstack!

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Beautiful! Excited to start to get to know you and the others who are interested in the THREADSTACK community.

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May 28Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Yes, it would indeed be nice to find other creatuve folks in the thread community.

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Happy to see you here! I am so excited to begin connecting with everyone who has shown interest.

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May 28Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Really good idea!

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THANKS. You know I've been struggling with what I want to do here but this is something that as soon as I started thinking about it, it made me feel super excited, whatever happens.

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May 29Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Do the things that make you excited!

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Just filled it out 👏

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Ps. I put my new publication that’ll launch this week as it will be all artsy as opposed to my current one that chats about wider aspects of the artist life

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WONDERFUL! I'll be starting the directory in a few days and I'm so excited to see your new publication. What great timing!

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I signed up! This sounds really interesting and a good fit for my Substack The Joy of Handwork about the quilting community

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YAY! I will get the directory started in a few days. I love learning about quilting.

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May 28Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Thank you! I love reading about what other people create, even though I'm currently not doing much myself.

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Even though the directory is for people who are writing about the topic, the wider THREADSTACK community is for everyone whose interested in the topic and the people in it. I always go through ebbs and flows with how much I'm actually stitching, if at all.

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This is a great idea and very welcomed! Thank you for tagging me, Kathryn. ❤ Wouldn't want to miss this!

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Happy you're here!!!!

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May 28·edited May 31Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

I love this idea! I am getting back into crocheting. I would love a community like this and to find other creatives with the same or similar passion.

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Wonderful! There are so many people here who enjoy these crafts and I am thrilled to start seeing everyone coming together here.

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May 28Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

A therapist here who writes about all things yarn! Absolutely love this idea!

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I’m taking my licensing exam soon! It’s good to know there are more fiber art therapists out there!

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Congrats on being close to the exam! I decided not to pursue licensing myself but I utilize much of what I learned in my counseling degree in all of my craft-as-therapy work. Several working therapists have utilized some of the tools I've developed in working with clients of all ages. <3 <3 <3

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Right up my alley! I got my Masters in psychology. I decided not to move forward with getting licensed but I implement a lot of what I learned in the work I do with craft. My book Hook to Heal has crochet exercises for healing and has been used by several therapists working with groups including in a prison crochet program.

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May 29Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

Oh! I’ll have to check out that book! Been thinking of putting together like a Grief Group with crafting… sounds like a perfect book!

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I almost started an informal peer grief group after my father passed a year and a half ago and then I decided I wasn't ready to process with others in that way at that time, but it's an idea I love.

An upcoming book I'm excited about in the same vein is Suzan Colon's medKNITation: https://suzancolon.substack.com/p/medknitation-book-news

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@Louise Tilbrook

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Lovely idea! I'm eager to connect with other people in thread/yarn community.

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YES! I am so excited about the connections we can have here.

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I crochet - all sorts of things from wall hangings like mandalas to wearables. I make them for myself and for others; anything I sell I use to fund projects that support poverty relief/income generating projects in East Africa (specifically in Uganda where I am connected to Congolese refugee craftwomen; we have crochet seshes together on Zoom!) So excited about Threadstack!

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I am about to respond more fully to your DM but wanted to say here that we seem to have a lot in common. I really love what you're doing and I hope to be able to join the June 1st Zoom you're doing, if I can wake up early enough California time :)

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Fantastic! We will do another art expo for our West Coast friends as well as our Aussie buddies! Lots of folks in different time zones interested. 😁

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This makes me want to take out my beautiful sewing machine and make something again☺️

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This might be my favorite comment of all.

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May 28Liked by Kathryn Vercillo

I'm a fiber/textile artist, and will be sharing that on my Substack soon. I'm so excited to connect with other fibre artists!

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Wonderful! So excited to start getting to know you!

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